Made In Iran

Tuesday, September 30

Iran and nukes!

As I am sure you all have heard, and will be hearing quite more, there is a lot of pressure on Iran to show that it's nuclear program is peaceful and not for making nuclear bombs. I am definitely against Iran having any nuclear program at all, peaceful or none peaceful. The reason being that even for peaceful programs are very expensive, and I think considering the fact that Iran has so many other energy resources, for instance natural gas and oil, I don't think it would be worth having the nuclear program. Now thats my belief. I also believe Iran's government is indeed after nuclear weapons. But I think if I was at their position, I would do the same. The reason is that once you have nuclear bombs, no matter how weak your whole army is, countries like US would think twice, or three times about attacking you. So, of course you would not go ahead and use the bombs for offensive purposes, but rather for defensive purposes, the last resort if you will. Also, it is quite unfair and ridiculous how the International Atomic Energy Agency ignores Israel so easily and yet puts pressure on countries like Iran. But hey, it is a sad and unfair world we live in!
Having said that all, I am actually ok with putting pressure on current Iran's government as I think it would help Iranians to change the current dictatorship and reach a true democratic government. So you see, the situation is quite complicated. I guess once the current power structure is changed in Iran, I am in full support of having nuclear weapons for "defensive" purposes only. But once all countries, including US and Israel give up their nuclear bombs, of course I would be a full supporter of Iran not having nuclear bombs. As simple as that!! Any comments?

Monday, September 29

A nice article

Here is an article by Charley Reese. I wish there were more people talking about these issues and have thier voices be heard by all US citizans. This actually came to my mind just now. From now on, if anyone asks me what I would do if I get 500 million dollars (or 100, shouldnt really matter) I would reply that I will make a news agency, something like CNN, but truly unbiased, and would let people like Charley Reese or Michael Moore come in the shows so thier voices could be heard by all US citizens.

Saturday, September 27


They say writing poems is therapy for them. They say writing poems make them run away from their troubles, problems. From reality. It helps them go through rough times. Also many say writing in general, even blogs, help you get away from you, from him or her. From difficulties. Well if you are reading this, do you agree? If you write a blog, does writing make you feel better? Make you get away for a while?
I think writing makes you feel better because you let it out. You let what bothers you out by writing about it. One writes about world’s problems, one writes about her or his love life. One writes about his dad! But they all let it out, don’t you think? And writing is easier than talking to someone. Firstly, you could write whenever. 4 am, 12pm, any time you get hold of a computer or a piece of paper and a pen. Or a pencil! But if you want to talk to someone, you need to find the right person. And once you found that right person, he or she might not be there when you feel down. When you feel weak. When you feel fragile. Secondly, when you write, the paper or computer screen don’t change their expressions, or their shape. So you don’t have to worry about them thinking “What a loser”. You don’t have to worry about having awkward situations with paper or computer. You just write, and they just accept you.
But poems are more special because they generally have a rhyme. So when you write them and read them over, the writing is less depressing and even maybe boring. Also when others read it, it is definitely less boring. But I think for writing poems, you need to have talent. Well I know I am not that talented in writing poems, but I am going to give it a try. So there, all this to say that I am going to try writing poems!! But if you didn’t see any poems in this blog know this, that I did try, but the poems sucked so badly that I just decided to not post them.

Time to go to bed, and sorry for the long post. Hopefully you read it in few days and now that you are reading this, it is Monday or Tuesday.


Thursday, September 25

Ever wonder, or wish to ...

Ever wonder, how could you make Earth a better place?
Ever wonder, how you could stop people with guns killing those without guns?
Ever wonder, how you could help Palestinians?
Ever wonder, how you could help Israelis?
Ever wonder, how you could help Americans, or Africans, or Asians? How about Afghans?
Ever wish that, somehow, you got so much power that you could even stop USA from invading countries? Or stop dictators rule any country on this planet? Or even stop Israel from occupying Palestine?
With just move of a finger tip, the USA tanks (without soldiers in them of course, remember, no more killing!) blowup, dictators be dropped off in middle of nowhere, and Israelis get out of all occupied land.
Ever wish you had the power to free those unfairly in prisons, and imprison those responsible for the injustice done?
Ever wish, not wonder, wish, that you could do more to make Earth a better place to live in? For all human beings, not just for Iranians or Iraqis, or Americans or Israelis. Well to be honest, I wish that every single day! I wish I could do more, way more. And me writing this means that I am becoming hopeless. I am becoming weak, frustrated, and hopeless. But no, I shouldn’t. We shouldn’t. Nobody fighting for justice, peace, and well being of all human beings should give up. Never…

Edward Said has passed away

This indeed is a very sad news. I heard it via an email from a friend. He will truly be missed, especially among those who fight against the occupation of Palestine and face extremists form both Israel and United States. May he rest in peace.

Monday, September 22

"22 years ago, on September 22, 1981,

in a hospital in east of Isfahan, during night I believe, there was a boy born. His name, was Foad."

The above was one way of so many other ways to tell others it is your birthday! So there, today was indeed my birthday. Not that many people beside my family remembered. two to three friends. but it is all good! I am actually not so sensitive about it at all, which I think is nice. I don't think people should care that much about their birthday. Actually that was not a good way to put it. Lets try it again. I think people shouldn't at least get excited about thier birthday! It least of all reminds you that you aged another year. Well, if you met your goals for that year, and had a successful year, then maybe be "glad", or "pleased" that you had a successful year. Otherwise, no need to be "happy" or "excited"!!!

Anyways folks, take care!

Sunday, September 21

It is 2 AM

It has actually been a while since the last time I was up this late!! It is even funny how I consider 2am "late"! To later than 5-6 month ago, when I was still an undergrad, 2am was the beginning of the night. Specially on a Saturday night. Specially in Toronto. Toronto rocks ladies and gentlemen, Toronto rocks. It is interesting, or maybe even somewhat scary, how one's life style could change so easily.

Now by any chance if you wonder why I am up this "late", I'll tell ya'. No it is not that I have been partying all night. Not even close! I simply took a long nap from 8pm till now! That's how sad my life is right now. Well not sad, but uneventful. I think the solution is to find more friends my age. Yeah, that should do it.

Well I am going to surf through some blogs and go back to sleep. Oh how sad!!

Friday, September 19

Iran's Flag!

I was just thinking, what would Iran's flag, our flag, my flag look like when some major changes occur in Iran, i.e. Current governments and power structure, or simply set, current dictatorship goes, and hopefully, "insha'allah" ("If God would want, would allow" in Arabic) a true dimocratic state comes to existence?

Well I'll certainly think about it, and once I came up with an idea, I'll take a picture of my drawing with the digital camera that I am going to get for my Bday and put it on the blog!
Yeeeaaaah right...

Anyways, it is time to go home, and start the weekend. Hopefully I will be a fun weekend, and I meet some interesting people. Well, hopefully interesting and good looking gals! But with having no parties to go to, or no gatherings to go to, I don't see that happening. So I guess I am just fooling myself. I shall continue with my womanless life until I die!

Another news is that I read that book about Hoveyda written by Dr. Abbas Milani. An amazing book. Ok I have to run to catch a train now. But I will write about the book next chance I get.


Friday afternoon's are the worst time

to work or be in a classroom! I am no in a classroom right now, but I used to be in a little while ago. Everytime I forced myself to go to class on Friday afternoon, the whole lecture I was thinking about killing myself, or killing my prof first, then myself!! But oh well, those days are gone, and won't be back. At least not for another year.

I need a digital camera!

I like taking pictures, specially with digital cameras. Firstly, you don't have to worry about wasting films, running out of films, or taking the finished roll for developing the pictures. Also, you could have the pictures transfered to your computer in no time! Therefore you could put your cool pictures in your blog, and hence make you blog way less boring!
So my plan is to somehow get a digital camera. I wish someone knew about my need of digital camera and buy it as a birthday gift for me. Then in few days I would have had a digital camera, blink blink, my birthday is coming upm blink, blink blink!!

A Comment I left somewhere!

There was this post in Eyeranian few days ago, but no one left any comments on it. That is until today that I took charge of commenting on the post. Here is what I wrote (as you could read it in Eyranian):

"I am wondering why no one left a comment for this post! Not even one. Such a hot issue, but yet most of us (including myself) just look the other way.
The first thing that came to my mind when reading this post was that, really, what’s the difference between today's Israelis, government and apparently most civilians, with Nazi’s? They both hated another group of people and didn’t believe in their rights of existence. Nazi hating Jews, and Israelis hating Palestinians, and they both killed/are killing many innocent people. Also both times, the victims are pretty much left alone by the rest of the world. Both incidents were/are very sad! Now I want those people who sent Pedram those hatred emails to sincerely think about this before leaving any comment, please."

I am wondering if I will get any hatred email myself. We will see. I most certainly will let you know.


Thursday, September 18

10 days, 2 hour, and 54 seconds

has passed from my last post, and right now I am sitting at work, thinking about work "stuff". I don't think I have ever mentioned it here (I "know" I haven't, just pretending there are a lot that has been said in this blog!!) but currently I work as a researcher. I love doing research. What is more fun than discovering, or perhaps inventing new things? My research is about a method of DNA sequencing. Fun stuff. I got my B.A.Sc in Electrical Engineering, focusing on communication and electronics. But I want to switch to Biomedical Engineering. I am planning to work for a year, and hopefully (if I get in) start graduate school in Biomed next September. One of the reason I like Biomed research much more than Electrical research is that generally the goal in Biomed research is to find cures to illnesses out there. But in Electrical research (well at least the areas I was working on before) try to make better cellphones, or better human-machine interfaces. Even though we all “prefer” a better cellphone, but we “need” cures to cancer! So you see where I am getting at. Anyways, just thought share with you my feelings towards my research.

Another news is, that I had my third visitor. That was great. His name is Ehsan and he writes Ghobare Afkhar (Haze of Thoughts). He has an interesting blog. I think I will add his blog to the list of blogs to read. This list is growing quite fast!! Well Ehsan, welcome. Glad you liked the blog.

Thats all for now…

Monday, September 8

Round 2: Evolution vs. Revolution

In my Thursday August 13 post titled "Round 1: Evolution vs. Revolution" I started comparison of evolution and revolution for Iran's government and political structure. I actually just brought up the subject. Today, I am going to about which one is better and why.

As probably many of you agree on this, evolution is much better than revolution. With revolution comes chaos, and with chaos comes violence, and disorder. Bottom line, jungle laws replace proper laws. Once chaos takes over the country, those with guns and muscles, who most likely lack intelligence, would step forward to challenge anyone who stands in front of them. Average people, or normal people, including intellectuals, professionals would not of course choose to fight with anyone, especially brainless bullies. Therefore those unintelligent bullies take over the country, and before you realize, we have another dictator, who is the strongest and most powerful of the bunch, is ruling the country. So at the end, the country has gone backward few years, maybe even a decade or two, and there is another dictator ruling. There is of course a chance that that one person who gains power is intelligent and sincere in wanting to help his or her country and its people, but I personally believer the chances are so slim.
So because of the above reasons, I think evolution is better. With evolution, you could be almost certain that you will reach a true democratic society and government. It is very important that people of a society understand and want democracy and freedom in order for a democratic government be able to govern the society. If those people don't understand democracy and their basic rights and don't ask for their rights, the government, even assuming democratic, would sooner or later be controlled by few who take advantage of lack of the people's interest in their rights and turn the government to a dictatorship. Unfortunately I believe we will see a revolution in Iran within the next few years. But my hopes are high that the outcome of the revolution is positive unlike 1979's revolution. I have few reason which I will talk about later.


Friday, September 5

Once again, long time no post...

What can I say? Nothing except that I was away for the long weekend playing at this tournament, been busy at work (seriously), and also since no one reads my blog except me, I thought there was no rush in posting something. But I found out today, that actually someone else has read my blog! Quite exciting. His name is Faramin and writes this blog. Well welcome Faramin and I hope you come again.

I also thought to perhaps, once in a while, write about things that happen in my life such as buying a car, going out with someone (yeah right!!! who am I kidding?!), or going on a trip. I thought it would be a nice addition to all the serious topics and subjects. But also I should be careful to not have so many of those "news", as I think it would reduce the seriousness of my blog a bit too much. I want my blog to be serious, and not boring at the same time!
