Made In Iran

Thursday, September 18

10 days, 2 hour, and 54 seconds

has passed from my last post, and right now I am sitting at work, thinking about work "stuff". I don't think I have ever mentioned it here (I "know" I haven't, just pretending there are a lot that has been said in this blog!!) but currently I work as a researcher. I love doing research. What is more fun than discovering, or perhaps inventing new things? My research is about a method of DNA sequencing. Fun stuff. I got my B.A.Sc in Electrical Engineering, focusing on communication and electronics. But I want to switch to Biomedical Engineering. I am planning to work for a year, and hopefully (if I get in) start graduate school in Biomed next September. One of the reason I like Biomed research much more than Electrical research is that generally the goal in Biomed research is to find cures to illnesses out there. But in Electrical research (well at least the areas I was working on before) try to make better cellphones, or better human-machine interfaces. Even though we all “prefer” a better cellphone, but we “need” cures to cancer! So you see where I am getting at. Anyways, just thought share with you my feelings towards my research.

Another news is, that I had my third visitor. That was great. His name is Ehsan and he writes Ghobare Afkhar (Haze of Thoughts). He has an interesting blog. I think I will add his blog to the list of blogs to read. This list is growing quite fast!! Well Ehsan, welcome. Glad you liked the blog.

Thats all for now…