Made In Iran

Thursday, October 30

Amen Charley Reese, amen!

This guy, Charley Reese, writes some good articles. I should just have a link to his website on my blog. Even though I disagree with some of the stuff he says, but he writes very clear. His latest piece of course I like very much! Check it out.

Wednesday, October 29

You said, I say

Ok Dave, here is my respond to you. I tried to reply to all the points your brought up in your comments, so hopefully I didn’t miss any. For those who don't know whats going on, read the previous posts and its comments. And by "you said" I mean Dave said, as this post is mainly towards him.

You said: “…but for now I'll just say that being disliked does not make one wrong. There is so much blind anti-americanism that it's become like a religion to some people.”

I say: that is true. Being hated doesn’t mean at all to be wrong. But let me recommend a book to you titled All the Shah’s Men. In this book, at least it would tell you why many Iranians don’t like or trust US government. But why Arab’s don’t like US, well the answer is simple. It was US who supported Israel in 1948 so Israel could invade Arab countries, including Palestine, and occupy their lands up until now. Now you say those lands didn’t belong to Arabs, well that’s your opinion which I try here to change, but regarding this matter, Arabs believe those lands were theirs and Israel with force, with US support, took those lands from them. Hence they don’t like US government. I think the reason for dislike of US in Middle East is as simple as that!

You said: “As for the US defending itself - almost everyone agrees that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, sheltered terrorists, and was enough of a criminal to maybe give those weapons to terrorists.”

I say: WHAT??? Give me a break, will you? Even CNN or FOX News these days admit that there are no evidence what so ever that Saddam was related to 9/11, or sheltered terrorists. There are more terrorists in Iraq NOW than ever! It has been what, 6 month and no WMD has been found. Again, many admit that there was no solid proof that Saddam kept any WMD. Also, even he had WMD, I am sure he is crazy enough to have used them when US attacked Iraq. But he didn’t. The reason, there weren’t any!! I cannot believe how bluntly you say Saddam had WMD or sheltered terrorists with absolutely no proof! If we want to have an intellectual argument, please don’t tell me things that you want them to be true. Tell me things that have been proven.

You said: “But, regardless of whatever reasons we gave the public and the rest of the world, the US, in waging this war against terror, decided on a grand strategy that I believe includes removing several regimes from power. We will not wait until we are threatened with imminent attack. We will do whatever we feel is necessary to make the world a safer place now.”

I say: you see Dave, that’s cowboy talk. What do you mean regardless of whatever reason US gives the public? US has absolutely no rights to just attack whatever country it feels like. What is UN there for? To take care of international conflicts. If any country could attack its neighbors ‘regardless’ of the reason they give to others, then it was ok for Iraq to attack Kuwait, wasn’t it? And if it was right, then why did US attack Iraq and caused the first Persian Golf war, huh? Or Serbians had the rights to attack Bosnians, but they were stopped by Nato or US mainly. Of course Iraq didn’t have the right to attack Kuwait, nor did Serbians had the right to attack Bosnia. US also doesn’t have the right to attack any country it feels like. You see, the reason to attack another country is VERY important.

You said: “We intend to scare, pressure or force regime change in many countries. We hope the changes will bring freer, more democratic systems to those countries. We hope and expect that the people in those countries will be better off after we have forced regime change. And we expect that the US will be safer when those bad regimes are changed.”

I say: well to be frank, you suck at freeing countries. Look at Iraq. There are more terrorists in it that ever. The whole infrastructure of the country is ruined. The country is not secure at all. You see Dave, the problem is that you just can’t go into a country and destroy everything and then HOPE for everything to be better after you are done. And it seems that you fellow Americans the Administrations also HOPED for Iraq to be a better place to live in. No planning really, just hoping. And that my friend, is simply dump.

You said: “We don't care if every other country in the world dislikes us for doing so. It's not about a single country or a single terrorist group. It's not about having proof or intelligence of upcoming attacks against us. We will not respond piecemeal to every isolated attack.”

I say: Of course if you are sincerely protecting yourselves, no one has a problem with that, well except those who wanted to attack you. But if half of the world (actually it is more than half) don’t like your cowboy way, then maybe you should think about it, and find out what is it that they don’t like. You know, not everyone except Americans are stupid in this world. So you should give them the benefit of the doubt and perhaps find out the real reason they don’t like your government’s polices. Could you do that? Seriously, could you? Or is that too much to ask? I really hope not…

You said: “We are the ones who have had families and friends murdered. We are the ones still threatened. We do not have to obey the rules of the smug UN, or of cowardly states who choose appeasement for themselves. These terrorists cannot be reasoned with or negotiated with. To deny us our right of self-defense is to side with the murderers.”

I say: Well I ask you one thing. I have mentioned this for than once in my comments, but what do you think drives these suicide bombers or terrorists? Most of them I think is the fact that they have lost all their family already. They have no job, no home. Basically they have nothing to live for. And do you know who killed their families? Well many of them were killed by Israeli army who is supported unconditionally by US. Now if you really want to protect yourself, why don’t you stop supporting Israel so fully and act just, or better try to be the sheriff you want to be for the world and punish Israel for all the civilian casualties and occupied lands. Also, if you want to live in fear and destroy any ‘possible’ enemy of yours, then why don’t you attack France, or Germany, or China, or North Korea. I mean they all could turn into enemies one day. It is POSSIBLE, isn’t? You do see my point?

Ok thats enough for now. I my next post I will respond to you about Israel.

Wednesday, October 22

Oh God help us from these Zionists!!!

Here is an argument going on in Human First, then Proud Iranian. This guy Dave G. is driving me nuts. Here is what he said first, then here is what I replied. Then he replied back, and here is my last reply. They are all in one comment section, so you could just scroll down once you go there.

Oh boy, I got so upset that made me write that last LONG comment. I just hope when Dave G. reads it, he sincerely thinks about my points, not just read through it and call me names!!!

I think I have mentioned this before, but if I become rich, rich enough to start a TV station, I would DEFINITELY do so, and you know why I would do that? Well, so that good people of America could hear the truth and voices not being heard nearly enough more often.

Anyways, time to go home…

Idiots, simply idiots!

Ok, this is pathetic. As I am sure all of you have heard, there are more than 100 dead and injured in Gaza Strip. Well I say these attacks by Israel makes matters way worth than you think. Lets say one of those people killed was an only son of a 50 something man, who has already lost his oldest son, and few other relatives. Maybe even his entire family. All he cared about was his only son, who now is gone. Now put yourself in that guy’s shoes. With all the fanatics around whispering in your ears that by becoming a suicide bomber you go to heaven, what would stop you from doing it? Your only son? But he is dead now. Your family? But there is no family! Your country, your freedom, your job, you home? What country, what freedom, what job, what home? Of course it would be much easier for you to accept to become a suicide bomber!!
And that’s why I call the current Israeli government and military, well those you supported the attacks, idiots, simply idiots!!
And if you ever hear an American or Israeli ask you why these suicide bombers or hijackers make themselves do such fanatic and stupid things, i.e. killing themselves and killing many more civilians, well you tell them this little story of mine, will ya?

Thursday, October 16

A Two Week Break!

Yes, I gave myself a break. Not that I have been writing every minute of everyday for the past 2 month before the break, but hey, it was good amount of writing for me. So I took a break. I have been reading a lot of blogs though. I very much like reading better than writing. These days anyways. I came across this blog, among others, written by a Persian girl, hence called A Persian Girl. I like her writing too. I think I like many writings I see.
Also, as I am sure any Iranian has already heard, Mrs. Shirin Ebadi won the Nobel Peace prize. Many congratulations to her, and us all Iranians and Muslims as she is the first Iranian, and Muslim women to win the prize.

Well, that’s all for now.

Thursday, October 2

Think about this:

I am sure you have all heard this many times: For every action, there is a reaction! A simple rule that applies to many situations and circumstances in this world. I read in the news, BBC news to be exact, that Israelis are planning to make another 500 houses in the settlements in occupied Palestinian lands. Also in BBC news there is this report about US’s image problem among Muslims. At the end of this report, you read "Surveys indicate that much of the resentment toward America stems from real conflicts and displeasure with policies, including those involving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and Iraq." Then I thought about this for few moments and I realized that perhaps, one of “actions” causing the 9/11 “reaction” is the full and unconditional US support of Israel. They build more houses in “occupied” lands which is illegal, the build fences and walls in Palestinian’s farm lands, they destroy Palestinian houses, and yet, US supports Israel as if they are guarding angles from heaven! Well, for every action there is reaction remember! So if George Bush was smart (haha, even “George Bush” and “smart” in one sentence makes me laugh, even if you are saying is not smart!), in order to fight terrorism, one of the main actions would be to ease up on Israel support and kick them out of Palestine’s territory! But oh well, that will not happen I don’t think.

Now I have to run to my soccer practice.


Wednesday, October 1

Bush Deck!


Check out this work by some French! I liked it! I liked it alot. Hope you guys enjoy it too. Here is the link:
