Made In Iran

Wednesday, October 22

Idiots, simply idiots!

Ok, this is pathetic. As I am sure all of you have heard, there are more than 100 dead and injured in Gaza Strip. Well I say these attacks by Israel makes matters way worth than you think. Lets say one of those people killed was an only son of a 50 something man, who has already lost his oldest son, and few other relatives. Maybe even his entire family. All he cared about was his only son, who now is gone. Now put yourself in that guy’s shoes. With all the fanatics around whispering in your ears that by becoming a suicide bomber you go to heaven, what would stop you from doing it? Your only son? But he is dead now. Your family? But there is no family! Your country, your freedom, your job, you home? What country, what freedom, what job, what home? Of course it would be much easier for you to accept to become a suicide bomber!!
And that’s why I call the current Israeli government and military, well those you supported the attacks, idiots, simply idiots!!
And if you ever hear an American or Israeli ask you why these suicide bombers or hijackers make themselves do such fanatic and stupid things, i.e. killing themselves and killing many more civilians, well you tell them this little story of mine, will ya?