Ever wonder, or wish to ...
Ever wonder, how could you make Earth a better place?
Ever wonder, how you could stop people with guns killing those without guns?
Ever wonder, how you could help Palestinians?
Ever wonder, how you could help Israelis?
Ever wonder, how you could help Americans, or Africans, or Asians? How about Afghans?
Ever wish that, somehow, you got so much power that you could even stop USA from invading countries? Or stop dictators rule any country on this planet? Or even stop Israel from occupying Palestine?
With just move of a finger tip, the USA tanks (without soldiers in them of course, remember, no more killing!) blowup, dictators be dropped off in middle of nowhere, and Israelis get out of all occupied land.
Ever wish you had the power to free those unfairly in prisons, and imprison those responsible for the injustice done?
Ever wish, not wonder, wish, that you could do more to make Earth a better place to live in? For all human beings, not just for Iranians or Iraqis, or Americans or Israelis. Well to be honest, I wish that every single day! I wish I could do more, way more. And me writing this means that I am becoming hopeless. I am becoming weak, frustrated, and hopeless. But no, I shouldn’t. We shouldn’t. Nobody fighting for justice, peace, and well being of all human beings should give up. Never…