Made In Iran

Saturday, September 27


They say writing poems is therapy for them. They say writing poems make them run away from their troubles, problems. From reality. It helps them go through rough times. Also many say writing in general, even blogs, help you get away from you, from him or her. From difficulties. Well if you are reading this, do you agree? If you write a blog, does writing make you feel better? Make you get away for a while?
I think writing makes you feel better because you let it out. You let what bothers you out by writing about it. One writes about world’s problems, one writes about her or his love life. One writes about his dad! But they all let it out, don’t you think? And writing is easier than talking to someone. Firstly, you could write whenever. 4 am, 12pm, any time you get hold of a computer or a piece of paper and a pen. Or a pencil! But if you want to talk to someone, you need to find the right person. And once you found that right person, he or she might not be there when you feel down. When you feel weak. When you feel fragile. Secondly, when you write, the paper or computer screen don’t change their expressions, or their shape. So you don’t have to worry about them thinking “What a loser”. You don’t have to worry about having awkward situations with paper or computer. You just write, and they just accept you.
But poems are more special because they generally have a rhyme. So when you write them and read them over, the writing is less depressing and even maybe boring. Also when others read it, it is definitely less boring. But I think for writing poems, you need to have talent. Well I know I am not that talented in writing poems, but I am going to give it a try. So there, all this to say that I am going to try writing poems!! But if you didn’t see any poems in this blog know this, that I did try, but the poems sucked so badly that I just decided to not post them.

Time to go to bed, and sorry for the long post. Hopefully you read it in few days and now that you are reading this, it is Monday or Tuesday.
