Made In Iran

Sunday, May 30

packing time...

I have about 8 hours to get to San Francisco International Airport for my flight to Toronto. The more I get closer to departure time, the more exciting I get I guess. I spent most of my time at Davis this weekend. I had a really good time. I guess summer has officially started for me!

Thursday, May 27

Time left to departure from SF:

3 days and 17 hours and 25 minutes!

Monday, May 24

Life in a nerdy perspective

I came up with this thought a while ago, but never told anyone or wrote it anywhere. I let out the thought in a comments in Bidel's weblog. Here it is: Life is a sine or cosine function, with time dependent frequency and phase shift resulting in various ups and downs, with different degrees of "upness" or "downess" at a time, and also various durations of "upness" and "downess"! So, if you are having an "up" time, be prepared for a "down" time, and if you are having a "down" time, be happy that an "up" time is indeed coming sooner or later.

Now this theory has been tested many many times in the course of my own life, and others that I know of. So, there it is, the way "life" works!

Friday, May 21

Bush-lovers, read:

You should read this by Charley Reese if you support Bush. It will be good for you. Hopefully anyways...

Thursday, May 20


There is nothing worth than not knowing what to do, or what to say. Not knowing what to think, or what to not think. Not knowing to call or not to call. Not knowing to call again or to wait yet another day. God damn these hard games...

Wednesday, May 19

it only gets worse...

How on earth do you explain picture 6 in these pictures? do they think the ambulances are carrying the weapons brought in through "tunnels"?? what a bullshit. Right about now I would really love to kick all those responsible for those attaks right in the balls...

Tuesday, May 18

They really piss me off!

Please note, lots of F word in this post, reader's discretion advised:

Those responsible for these attacks will burn in hell. What the FUCK do you want from these people? The fuckers say "... house demolitions were among the measures the army took to protect security and were carried out "in full compliance with International Law, while making earnest efforts to uphold the rights of Palestinians not involved in terrorism"". Yeah right? what fucking International Law allows you to demolish homes of people in another country? huh which law? and for security? eat my ass will ya? what fucking security? last week they destroyed almost 100 homes leaving 1,100 people homeless according to BBC. well fuckheads, if those 1,100 people will be suicide bombers, then go arrest them. if not, then how the fuck would they be a security issue for israel. And the most ridiculous part is that they say they are after militants. So the fuckheads want to occupy Palestinian lands and expect them to not do anything about it. They expect Palestinians to not fight back. Well fuck you Israeli army and government. One day not too long from now, the whole world will be after your asses, and you will be brought down. fuck...

Monday, May 17

one day...

Ever feel so helpless you want to forget about breathing? Well I have felt that way few times. The last was few days back. With all the shit happening in this world such as Israelis doing whatever the hell they want to Palestinians and yet no influential country does anything about it, or the chaos in Iraq, or Bush being US’s president, or blah blah blah, sometimes I feel quite helpless. Quite hopeless. The worst is when you feel you cannot do much, or the feeling that you are insignificant in helping to resolve any of the above. That is when I just want to go up in Mount Everest and live there, or go to a deserted island, or even south pole. So many times while I lived in Toronto I wondered why would anyone live in towns north of Canada where all you could see is snow all year long. Well I guess I know at least a potential reason now. Up there, I doubt they here about all the shit happening in the world. There is probably a lot less frustration. I should one day go up there and ask those people why they live there. I will let you know of the result. But haven said that, I don't want to run away. If everyone runs away from the problems we face, then who the hell is going to get rid of the problems right? So people, don't worry, I am still breathing. One day, one day not too far in the future, everything will get straight…

Tuesday, May 11

Damn these idiots...

Now to be fair, I should say that these sons of bitches who beheaded the American guy are not any better than those soldiers involved in the prisoners abuse. All of them are animals. Helllll noooo. And the former group call themselves Muslims. Hellll noooo. They aint Muslims. There are idiots. Period. God help us all from all the idiots in this world, aaaamen.

American's army justice system is a joke...

People, please go read BBC's Q&A about Iraq abuse charges, it is pathetic. It says "the most severe punishment that can be imposed is a year in prison." What the (f-beep)? Those assholes treated the prisoners like bunch of dogs and the most severe punishment, if they get it, is one year in prison? no seriously, what the (f-beep)? It also mentions that "in a previous court martial, a soldier who shot dead an Iraqi prisoner who was allegedly throwing stones was found guilty of murder at a court martial, reduced in rank and discharged. He did not serve any time in prison." So he WAS charged with murder right? so why the f-beep didnt he serve any time in prison? you see folks, people around the world hear these stories, and all they can think is "those bastard Americans." Now I know for a fact that at least half of Americans are good, caring, reasonable, and world-loving people. But it is the other half that has destroyed the US's image in the past 30-40 years. I guess it is now up to the good half to kick Bush administration the heck out of office and start undoing the damage done in the past few years. I just hope enough Americans realize in time that they need to get rid of Bush.

Monday, May 10

Sons of ...

These sons of bitches (Bush and his gang) have no shame what so ever. Read this by William Saletan! It is an interesting chronological list of statements from Bush and his administration about "saddam's rape rooms and torture chambers" and the prison abuse investigation reports. Just read it will you? So pissed right now, so pissed... and you know what the sad part is? will all these screw ups, polls show 47% support for Bush. What the fuck is wrong with these people (those who support Bush and will vote for him in November)?

Thursday, May 6

State of Israel is the most racist of all!

Don't believe me, just read this article by Charley Reese.