Made In Iran

Sunday, February 13

my way or ...

you gotta realize not everything should go your way, could go your way, or would go your way. the sooner you realize that, no, the sooner that "sinks in", the sooner in your life you could handle "situations". Situation where of course something happens that you didn't expect to happen. something is said that you werent expecting to hear. at these moments, the brain stops. well thats how it feels anyways. the sense, the words, the moment keeps repeating itself in your brain once every oh i dont know, one-thousand of a second. BUT, the sooner that sinking happens, the easier you can breakup the stupid loop in your brain and react in a simply put proper way.
i did find myself in one of those situations tonight, and lets just say it wasnt pretty. and my reaction didn't help much either. so, hopefully, fingers crossed, by me writing these lines, that fact "sinks in" more than before and my reactions get better. hopefully.

Saturday, February 12

what to do?

it has been a while, i know. but what ev'...
here is my question for you: what do you do when someone who you thought were worthy of spending your time with turned out to be someone who would rather shoot in the head, or punch in the face on a less violent scale? what would you do?
what would you do if you find out someone you thought is a cool person is actually not much more than a jackass?
what would you do if someone you thought would be a perfect match for your messed up thoughts actually is someone you prefer to leave to talk to a trash can?
what would you do if that person that once seem flawless is actually full of flaws. those that get you on your nerves so bad that you want to just kill yourself in the hope of easing the pain.
well, if you can asnwer any of these, let me know will ya?

i already feel better... thanks....