Made In Iran

Wednesday, October 13

life is good...

few seconds ago i finished writing a new post, but as i was about to publish it, things went wrong and i lost what i had written. so the title stays the same, and here is a summary of what i wrote before (i am sure too lazy, and busy, to write the entire post again):
- student life is good. you dont make much money compared to when you work, but i still like it. it is fun.
- i also love not having a TV in my apartment. it is nice. not only it saves me a lot of fun, but also my apartment has sort of a calm vide in it. i am pretty sure it is due to lack of TV and i like it!!
- yesterday for some reason which i dont recall what it was i thought about marriage. that scared the shit out of me.
- another random point is that weather down here in LA is nice. it is very nice. warm and sunny almost everyday, and cool, not cold, just cool at nights. now thats nice people.
- oh i watched the third presidential debate as well, and i have fun watching it. Bush actually called his financial advisor his "budget man". that just cracked me up.

so yeah, thats all for now.
