Made In Iran

Wednesday, January 14

Me need something...

You know what I need? I know you don't, just bear with me! I need a device to convert my thoughts, not all of it of course, to words and sentences. If I had such a device, I promise you I would have posts at least every 10 minutes. So that means 6*16 posts. But I don’t have the device, and I don't have nearly that many posts. I don't know how many people come to my blog and see no new posts and then never come back. That is a shame.
Anyways, the hot news of the past few days is that of Iran’s upcoming Parliament elections. Of course like many Iranians I have my own thoughts about the matter, but I haven’t had the chance *cough *cough to write about it. I have the chance now. So after posting this, I am going to write about it. So "come again"!